The goal of Her Walk Home is to create more understanding surrounding the universal experience of women walking home alone and feeling unsafe. The experience is in first-persona and allows the user to walk to a designated point while encountering a few of the possible obstacles a woman may face in real life. The experience is made more realistic through the use of spatial audio, lighting, grabbable objects, and interactions.
Class: Design Media 3
Designers: Bekka Ranalli, Lucy Vidmar
Ciera Yamrick, Mariam Baig
Walk-Through Video

To execute this vision, we were to learn many new skills in a short amount of time while also applying them to our VR experience. Since we are passionate about the subject matter of Her Walk Home, we made sure to all do our part to bring our vertical slice to life. Lucy worked on character animations, I worked on the environment, Ciera worked on the title/warning screens/animations, and Mariam worked on locomotion. We were very proud of the environment we developed for this project and how well we executed the dark and eerie feel we were going for. One of the challenges we encountered along the way was the failure of using arm-swinging locomotion. The locomotion did not work even when the professor tried it themselves on their own project, so we had to change to thumbstick locomotion. Another problem we ran into was committing and updating the files, because of conflicting changes. Because of this, we had to work separately and combine components on one person’s version of the file to avoid any corruption/losing all our work. Of course, our most pressing issue was time, there was so much we wanted to do that had to be pushed to the side because of time restraints.