The prompt for this project was to fulfill a need for an app that promotes positive behavioral changes. For me, I immediately thought out my morning habits and how I lack the motivation to reach the morning goals I want. Through the use of Figma and Illustrator, I developed a dashboard for my app, Morning Mojo.
Class: Information Design & Data Visualization
Designer: Bekka Ranalli
Instructor: Yvette Shen
The Problem: Some young adults and adults dream of being able to wake up at 6 a.m. and complete the tasks that they end up leaving for later. They need a way to keep themselves accountable enough to do this for days on end until it becomes a habit.
Goals & Objectives:
- Develop an app that tracks daily behaviors
- Take streaks, habits, and personal preferences into account
- Give the dashboard simple yet effective User Interface qualities.
Data Tracked:
- What habits want to be set
- How many days in a row the goals have been completed
- Any notes on how the week/practice is going
- Any days that goals have been skipped
Wireframes & Sketches

To test these wireframes and ideas, I used Usabilityhub.com to create a click test for my peers. I asked them to click where they thought made sense in three different scenarios. Only one of those came back with mixed results so I ended up making its button in the interface more apparent and with words.
Final Dashboard & Walkthrough